![]() November 2013, Dasher and Solo in their "Togs for Dogs" coats! See the whole collection and more at: www.togsfordogs.net Dasher's sighthound blog 2013 This is the continued story of Italian Greyhounds Dasher 4 1/2 years and Solo 1 year. The newest "happenings" are at the top, so the story unfolds from the bottom and up! See videos on YouTube under my name: sighthounddotnet - email me or go back at any time to my website: sighthound.net Happy reading! - Janet |
1st. blog 2009 - 2010 - 2011- 2012 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 |
This is the last entry in 2013 - I have started a new "page" now so CLICK HERE TO SEE 2014! The 23rd of December The 16th of December! We had the family here yesterday and I took many photos, most of them useless! Here are some of my youngest grandchild and the dogs. ![]() ![]() Of couse Solo was in his element stealing all the toys he could get hold of, plus a piece of apple from our grandchild's hand! ![]() The 8th of December! Two days ago we had a fierce tornado storm called Bodil sweep across Denmark (taking a day and a half of non-stop storm force) and said to be "one in a thousand years". Our house held up fine, luckily, but our best plum tree is leaning badly and the roots showing... You can see some good storm pictures from Denmark with this daily newspaper link: (On the right of each picture one can click to the next with a white "v" on it's side.) www.bt.dk/danmark/se-alle-billederne-oversvoemmelser-og-enorme-oedelaeggelser-efter-bodil) ![]() Just to show you how the water rose to a record height, leading to evacuations various places in Denmark and parts of Copenhagen under water, see the famous little Mermaid. Underneath, taken from another angle, but showing the normal "on dry land" situation! ![]() |
Don’t bother to read this column if you are not interested in the neutering of dogs and boring testicle-talk!!! |
Saturday the 7th of December 13th December and yesterday was "stitch-removal day"! I had to walk the 3 1/2 kilometres to the vet’s as Svend was unable to drive me! So I took both dogs and gave plenty of time for stopping sniffing and peeing all the way there – and still was 10 mins. early. The vet. tweaked out the stitches in no time whilst I held Solo comfortably on his back on my lap. Then I could get my money back on the Elizabethan collar, but I asked if I could trade it in for a nail clip on Dasher! Two minutes later, I had 2 dogs with the shortest nails in the whole of Denmark! Then I had the 3 1/2 kilometres to walk home again – and lucky it wasn’t TODAY as it has rained non-stop all day, either very hard or just fine rain! The slightly bloody holes where the stitches have been removed are healing fine and Solo is as cheeky as ever - and back to stealing everything in sight!!! I'll spare you the new view of his undercarriage that I took so here are two of him begging at the table instead!!! He wants the walnuts I'm eating, but he's not having any! ![]() ![]() Boy was I tired after all that walking and I thought, after the dogs had their lunch, they would sleep and I could have a lie down but oh no, they were busy noisily chewing bones or playing wrestling together the whole afternoon! Seven kilomtres is NOTHING to an Italian! They were, however a bit more quiet in the evening! So that’s the last word in the successful testicle-saga! |
The 2nd of December! The 27th of November how to tell Solo he should act like a mature adult now? ![]() Last night he ran around the living room with Svend's tv glasses held delicately by one earpiece. Here he is under the safety of the coffee table and daring us to chase him! I photo'ed while Svend stood in suspense! The glasses are one of Solo's favourite items to steal! This morning it was my sandles and outdoor shoes! ![]() The dogs have a whole shelf full of toys in the kitchen and chew bones of all kinds lie around all over the place (so we are experts at NOT tripping up on stuff), but still OUR property is preferred by Solo! We are careful not to reward him with a big fuss or attention, just quietly take the item back and say thank you and turn away from him so his "reward" is us ignoring him - for at least 5 seconds!!! A new "spy cat" enjoying the early morning sun on a neighbour's roof. (He is extending his house and it's not finished yet.) The cat lives next door to him but it's own roof is not so comfy due to the large area of sun-panels put up there giving an extra electricity supply. See previous shot 9th of March. The 25th of November The 24th of November The 22nd of November |
The 10th of November 8th of November and life does go on even so... |
Thursday the last day in October - and winter starts in November... My two Italians must take over the entertainment now and certainly Solo is an even bigger Tea-Leaf than Timmi ever was!!!!!! At the moment, they miss him too as they also loved him very dearly... |
The 20th of October 2013: Below: New photo of Momma Black bird yesterday, taken whilst the dogs ran around searching for her just underneath! She takes the most awful risks. We are eye to eye - and me brandishing a bright pink camera right up in her face! Some inspiring and smart ideas as to how to fit one's pet into the home in a decorative way that suits all parties! www.houzz.com/ideabooks/18810408 October 14 2013 I was very amused by this new book just coming out: Photo below: "Let us in!" The 24th of September Left: Not much wrong with Timmi's eyesight! He spotted a cat on some steps at a great distance, (see microscopic black dot middle of handrail!!!) and made such a hysterical scene! Right: We had guests on Saturday, and despite strict instructions to the contrary, the toilet door was left ajar and OF COURSE Solo noticed the toilet roll was back in position.... ugh! ![]() ![]() The 22nd of September As I have shown before, the dogs just love a plastic sack to play with! (One that contained earth for my garden plants, so quite strong.) No need to buy expensive toys! ![]() ![]() ![]() Dasher's holding a small piece he has torn off! I thought his attitude looks so funny here! ![]() Afterwards! The 16th of September Another tragedy, Solo killed a second baby Blackbird. It had stayed in our garden and he had been running around in some bushes off and on for days. I couldn't see anything but finally his dream came true. Now there is only one baby surviving. ![]() ![]() A picture of innocence! ![]() Look what he's got now! I have never had a dog who took METAL items! The 14th of September Thursday the 12th of September |
Monday the 9th: Sunday the 1st of September ![]() Did you say I have done something wrong again? Saturday the 31st of August - and where did this month go? I took Solo to the vet’s playground again today. ![]() This time there were several smaller dogs, but as soon as one bounced towards him, he chased it off barking horribly and with harsh near-bites at it’s tail. So again he ended up all alone in the small enclosure of the three. ![]() ![]() ![]() But it does him good to just watch the others in peace. ![]() ![]() I rewarded him for good behaviour, (when he sniffed the other dogs quietly, which he did after a while) and he spent a lot of time watching the others chase and play and have fun. He can see he’s missing out but doesn’t know what he does wrong. He’s good on the see-saw as well. ![]() One man came over (there’s always at least one sympathetic dog-owner who takes pity on me!) and told me he had a Labrador he’d got from the breeder when it was 6 months of age. It was now 8 years old and he had spent the last 7 1/2 years trying to get it to be able to socialise with other dogs! He now has a lovely puppy of 15 weeks and was coming to the vet’s playground every week to avoid the same problem happening again. ![]() Afterwards, sleeping off all his experiences! Regarding the problem with Solo stealing our toilet paper from the guest bathroom, I tried another strategy: Instead of having to keep the door closed, (which we failed at miserably, so often re-using rescued tatty and chewed rolls!!!) and the room really needs the ventilation, I hid the toilet paper in a little basket behind the loo and the first day, Solo was running to check it out many times. The second day only a couple of times and now he can’t be bothered at all because he has learnt that all the fun has gone!
So soon we can put the paper roll back again – and cross our fingers! Anyway, all too soon he’ll grow out of his youthful, joyful silliness and become a “sensible” dog! For those who can remember back to the wild clematis that so disappointed me with it’s tiny flowers shown on the 27th of July - a friend just sent me today a picture of this beautiful "late summer" bouquet that her mother has created – which includes “my” clematis flowers as background interest, (again, get your magnifying glasses out...) as she too has this variety in her garden! ![]() I think I’ve found out what it might be: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clematis_vitalba#Characteristics - a plant I’ve known as a child called “Old Man’s Beard” because of the seed heads. See mine now: ![]() And finally the now VERY noisy Blackbird babies with plenty of feathers on the way: ![]() Just hope they survived a hard sqall of rain this afternoon - much needed in the garden... looked later on and they are just fine! We were baby-sitting our youngest grandson (now 1 1/2 years) last night, (he is SO entertaining now and cuter than ever! After he finally fell asleep (at 8.20 pm),
we ate our dinner - boy, were we hungry! Wednesday the 28th |
Sunday the 25th of August |
Tuesday the 20th of August |
The 18th of August Below, our crazy Blackbird couple are having their fourth clutch of babies, despite the fact that all other birds have stopped, don't sing and many are moulting... ![]() Funny story from yesterday! I squeezed a bee! I was picking these lovely big raspberries, ![]() (Plus four Backberries I found as well!) (a late sort called Autumn Bliss that goes on until the frost gets them) and you have to be very careful to pluck gently as they sit together with a lot of undeveloped ones on very fragile stems. See photo below. ![]() ![]() The immature ones can fall off, or stems snap, if one isn’t very careful. I give each ripe one a little squeeze to loosen it before I pull it off. The berries often sit under leaves and well hidden, sometimes very low down, so it’s easy to miss one or two and it was a grey evening, gloomy and a bit late so I thought I saw a very dark coloured half-shrivelled one. As I always pluck off dried or sick berries to keep the plants healthy, I grabbed a hold of it... but it vibrated and buzzed vigorously between my fingers so I gave a little scream and let go immediately – then saw it was a bee!!! Luckily a poorly and tired one obviously not going to make it back to the hive at this late hour, so she just protested mildly at being squeezed whilst trying to have a private rest! Phew, what a shock I got! Tuesday the 13th August 2013: Miscellaneous shots: ![]() A Bumblebee enjoying one of my sunflowers! The sunflowers sow themselves all over the garden as I feed the birds during the winter and they always drop some around the place. ![]() ![]() It's blackberry time! These are some growing wild that I pass on my dog walks. Right: The start of the potato crop - they are hardly larger than strawberries due to the terrible hot dry weather we have had - despite me watering them a bit. BUT they taste great and don't need peeling. ![]() ![]() Above: Rain clouds are so fascinating, so dark and threatening - even some thunder and lightening - but not much rain - someone else is getting it all! ![]() All three squeezed in one bed! Timmi puts up with it for the sake of peace. |
Monday the 12th August 2013: |
Wednesday the 7th of August and it is Timmi's birthday today! He is 11 years old! |
At the vet’s playground, Saturday the 3. august. Tuesday the 30th of July |
Saturday the 27th of July The 21st of July ![]() ![]() Looking cute on the bed in my office! Timmi either has a warm back or a warm stomach. ![]() Running to and fro doing what we call the "whistle game" ! ![]() "Well, we've arrived...hit with them treats!!!" The 18th of July The 15th of July Dasher stole a bone that Solo had been chewing and they ran out into the garden where I took this series of photos, not knowing how it would end! 14th of July July 12th ![]() Svend holding the dogs while I exercise Timmi. We took Solo to his first Lure coursing training last Saturday - not to run but the soak in the atmosphere! Only a few photos as it was too difficult to steer the dogs and camera and it was the most perfect evening but the car was too hot to leave them in it, even tho' it was in the shade. ![]() ![]() I had put Timmi (who is 11 years old on the 7th of August) down to run only a half distance - just in case. I know he is not so athletic as he has been and best not to over do things when one is old. The coursing manager poo-poo'd my short choice of distance so after a little discussion, (him being very positive about Timmi's abilities - and he makes notes about each dog every time, so he knows!), we agreed the man on the lure machine would stop if Timmi became tired. Well Timmi did the whole distance, which I should imagine was about 700 metres, I forgot to ask. He was clearly not quite to maniacal fast at the end, but still running well! I was proud of him. I do try to keep him in good training with exercise every day -and this is paying off. ![]() ![]() Left: The cakes and freshly picked strawberries! (And mini-muffins!) Right: I took this photo over my shoulder as they were so tired, they went to sleep immediately as we drove home from coursing! ![]() ![]() Now they don't avoid sitting with each other, but can sleep together at times. They both share Dasher's cage at night. ![]() I have had NO time to write and I'm now SO busy catching up on things - the garden is needing a lot of work and the kitchen garden is bursting with fruit. Whilst my cousin was here, she did help with picking some red currents - and I leaned a lesson! I only have two bushes but we have plucked KILOS of large juicy berries! She had the colander, I used a washing up bowl that is only used for washing fruit. Afterwards we looked at the contents. Whilst I had just quickly ripped everything off including the plant stalks and even some unripe berries, she had patiently picked ONLY the ripened fruit with love and care. We had a good laugh at the difference! Hers only needed a good rinse through and then freezing down, whereas mine take ages to sort out, get off the stems and then wash. So from now on I am always picking “the cousin way”!!!! (Now it's the blackcurrents.) ![]() Solo still has "puppy ears" that sit on top when he is wondering about something! I remember my first Italian, up at the vet's for his 3 month injection and he sat with much larger ears that Solos, (they get smaller in comparison as they grow up) that completely covered the top of his head like a kind of hat. The vet took a step backwards and studied the dog for a while and then asked "Is this normal for the breed?" I roared with laughter and assured him this "hat" was perfectly normal! ![]() A beautiful clematis that insists on hanging all over the gate to the kitchen garden so we can hardly get in or out right now! ![]() We have guests and a lot happening, so Solo is tired out and takes a nap in the sun. |
July 5th July 2nd The dogs are getting along just fine and even Timmi has livened up. "The whole family" came to lunch on Sunday and got a nice surprise and Solo was well loved, stroked and carried around etc! He took it all in his stride, even our grandchild of 16 months whose idea of petting a dog is giving hard blows on the head!! Unfortunately I took too few photos - never any spare time when being hostess and feeding the hungry hoards. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dasher is well used to sharing his cage and thinks it is fun! Solo just copies him. ![]() Of course Dasher's cage is the usual big attraction and everyone has to go in there, including these our two grandchildren for the first time together in it! They did baulk however, at my suggestion that their father should get in there with them for a threesome!!!! (Yes, he also has tried it out for size!) ![]() Solo looking up through the coffee table glass! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Two bookends! We have now said yes please, we would love to keep Solo, so he is soon ours! |
June 28th |
June 26th and some more pictures: June 21st and the longest day! The 2nd of June - how time flies! The 14th of May! The 13th of May! Photo from the 11th May and the Blackbird babies are growing fast!! They actually look like birds now!!! (See the little foot stuck up in the air? It's already getting a bit crowded!) ![]() The 10th of May ![]() and we had a wonderful day's Lure Coursing yesterday. (A bank holiday in Denmark.) A beautiful hilly and simply HUGE field, (only about a quarter of it seen here), of lush grass and millions of Dandelions! The weather was great, not too hot and sunny so the dogs could be resting in the cars with no fear of over-heating. Unfortunately, Dasher is badly affected by the deadly fight with Racey and he is now scared of other male Italians and growled horribly, even at his best friend Santi, (who is SUCH a sweet natured dog). Santi is seen elsewhere in this blog. But he did play with Camino, the lovely black Greyhound! Plus some Salukis, who he's always had a soft spot for them. See some clips from the day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNvCdK7YOAo ![]() Trying to pose Camino and Dasher, who is supposed to be a miniature Greyhound! ![]() ![]() They played silly games as we sat and talked. ![]() Timmi after his run - still hoping for a second go! But at 10 and 3/4 I don't think he should. ![]() ![]() While we wait our turns... ![]() It's become my mission now, not only to get everyone to pick up their dog's poop in plastic bags, (very easily obtainable here) - but ALSO to take it home to their rubbish bins and trash cans! Far too many people still do NOT pick up and far too many of these chuck the filled bag behind a bush or in the woods, creating a worse problem. It is just too difficult to walk a dog AND carry an "iffy" bag in one hand – maybe for miles. I am writing an article for the Danish Kennel Club's magazine, where I suggest solutions for this problem in several ways – different ways to suit everyone's individual taste and needs. From my own completely free but not so smart looking solution to the most expensive 5 star and by far the best way of transport as seen above on Camino. Presenting the soft round "Dicky Bag" - seen here in camouflage colours. This is made of very lightweight neoprene, with room for spare bags in the lid. Zips up and confines all smell within it! Comes in various sizes and patterns. Not only this, it has three different ways of fixing it to you or the dog: One way, you can pass your belt through a loop on it's side, if you have a belt or a bumbag as I do. Another with a lockable hook so it can dingle from just anything plus any belt - and the third way is with velcro lock on your dog's harness! A must for every dog owner. Take action and keep your countryside and streets clean! Please read all about it here and order yours straight away! www.dickybag.com/ Good as a present too, so buy two in one go like I did! See a demo here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8LdzC78RE8 ![]() Small size. The 6th of May The 30th of April The 23rd of April ![]() The 22. april and we went to Lure coursing yesterday in brilliant sun although a freezing cold wind got through to us all in the end! Here are a few feeble photos. A video coming soon (also feeble as I never intended to make a video but some asked me to and so I missed many good things. I really wasn't in the mood yesterday....) Only Timmi ran - in his usual fine style, but Dasher could enjoy meeting and greeting all the other dogs. Here's a modest video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KJUc7jFw7g ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Left: Whippets need warmth! Here after a good run. Right my favourite photo of the day: Two beautiful salukis stand watching their "Dad" in the far distance who is running around the course to help with a problem. |
The 19th of April 2013 ..so sorry to have to share this, but having started this blog - I must go on - and be honest about things. |
At last spring is busting out all over! The 16th now Sunday 7th |
The 27th of March |
March 25th The 20th of March - and two days of snow - here is 8 cms but later on it was 10cm. We are all sick of it! The 9th of March 4th of March 2013 17th Feb. 2013: 14th Feb. The 31. of January |
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