![]() Dasher's Italian Greyhound blog 2014 This is the continued story of Italian Greyhound Dasher started in July 2009 - see old blogs. The latest "happenings" will be put on at the top at frequent intervals, so the story unfolds from the bottom and up! He lives with his nephew Solo. I have videos of Lure Coursing and other doggy things on YouTube under my name: sighthounddotnet Email me or go back at any time to my sighthound.net start page. Happy reading! - Janet (Photo 2013: Italians Dasher nearly 5 years old and Solo just 1 year waiting for their dinner to be served!) |
1st blog 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 |
Tuesday the 30th of December 2014 - click for new blog started Jan. 4th 2015! Saturday the 27nd of December 2014 - and now the 7th blog! Friday the 26th of December 2014 We had the most wonderful Christmas Eve at our youngest son's house, where we stayed the night. (Christmas EVE is what is celebrated in Denmark, not Christmas Day - although most Danes eat the huge Cold Table lunch on the 25th - even after the huge traditional feast at 6pm on the 24th!) ![]() ![]() We were only 9 but had a bumper number of gifts. We were up to 1 am before we were finished opening them all! Right shows my idea of putting passport size photos on each gift, so Louis, (only 2 3/4 years old), could instantly see who was to have them. (Each person, on receiving, read aloud the "to and from" label that Louis is too young for.) He understood my idea immediately and did a fantastic job long after his bedtime. At 11pm his mother decided he needed his beauty sleep and he was carried screaming in protest up the stairs, but fell asleep within a couple of minutes! Up until then, he had tirelessly run to and fro with the many presents, some of which he could choose himself and some where we could ask him to find for a particular person, so everyone received more or less in turn. He was brilliant, we were all most admiring! He enjoyed helping unwrap, finding the scissors and seeing what each person got before running off to find a new parcel. I should add, that the tradition here is that after the traditional 3 course hot dinner, the youngest family member gives out the presents stacked under the (real!) tree, one by one. Each is unpacked with everyone watching and sharing in the pleasure of both the person receiving and the giver and often discussed or passed around and generally "savoured to the full" before choosing the next well-wrapped parcel! ![]() ![]() Louis giving out the gifts and right: David stroking the dogs with a crazy helium-balloon head-gear present! ![]() ![]() Left: Dogs out and Louis playing in the cage so it's now full of toys! The dogs have learnt how to open the zip, so we gave up trying to shut them in whilst we were eating. However, by a miracle, they didn't succeed in eating anything they shouldn't! ![]() ![]() Above: The Father Christmas surprises Louis. That's why he's called FATHER Christmas - because he IS your father!!! Right photo of snow by the front door: The dogs were the first out in the snow storm we got in the morning lasting about an hour! ![]() ![]() Our car when we went to drive home Christmas day!!! Monday the 22nd of December 2014 ![]() "Did you say food???" Wednesday the 17th of December 2014 Wednesday the 10th of December 2014 Saturday the 6th of December 2014 Adrian and Anne came for lunch and he is so good and loving with the dogs, who are really taking advantage!!! ![]() ![]() Adrian is trying to eat some chocolate cake!!!!! Thursday the 4th of December 2014 You have to see this - you can't get a better, more cheering photo of the spirit of Christmas! We have the cutest "Day Care children" living round here, and their wonderful "Day Care mothers", (unfort. one was not with them today) and I took several photos - and sent this one to them for the parents to see! ![]() I can't seem to convince any children, that Santa Claus is actually a DOG! They all know better! Tuesday the 1st of December 2014 Sunday the 30th of November Wednesday the 26th of November |
Wednesday the 19th of November 2014 Wednesday the 12th of November ![]() A good one of Svend and Solo having a loving session! ![]() The 10th of November and the bees are still slaving away! This one's on an Evening Primrose. Saturday the 8th of November A fantastic place: ![]() Vemmetofte Kloster, in Faxe, Denmark. From about 1694. Members of the Danish Sighthound club all meet up for a beautiful autumn walk around this wonderful castle and grounds. A feeble sun came out just exactly when we were out and then disappeared again as we left for home - perfect timing! Of course, our dogs were disappointed, thinking it was Lure coursing, but they got a good sniff on the roughly 2 mile walk around the grounds. ![]() Friends Bille and Freddie hold my dogs, plus their Whippets, Monty, Barnie and Jax so I could get a "scenic shot"! ![]() ![]() ![]() Left, at Saluki pup meets up once again with his breeder! Right an old oak - one of many that are several hundred years old. ![]() ![]() Of course we all cleaned up after our dogs! ![]() We met up in a parking space. ![]() Some of the coffee and cakes afterwards! We all have a good chat ![]() Karin, apparently in her second childhood with a lolly, ha ha!!! We owe Karin a lot for countless hours/years - of fun and entertainment doing Lure coursing - starting in the middle of the local racetrack in 1996/1997 we have followed her around ever since attending all the lure coursing we possibly can! We and our dogs are crazy about it! She has worked very hard so that we others could enjoy the sport. For many years, she was the only person who could work the hare, (a huge responsibility), now luckily we have several others who dare to take a turn. Friday the 7th of November ![]() The last rose of summer! Still flowering in November with more buds on the way! ![]() Yesterday evening was very gloomy with heavy black rain clouds and the wierd lighting making the glass on the roof of our neighbour at the end of the garden shine silver! He designed his house in his head - to be 8 sided. He made a miniature model of it and persuaded the bank to lend him the money. He built this by himself some 25 years ago. The top is of glass and so the light shines directly down in the centrally placed kitchen - a unique and amazing house, hidden behind our trees! Sunday the 2nd of November Thursday the 30th of October 2014
Saturday the 25th of October Monday the 20th of October |
Thursday EVENING the 16th of October |
Thursday the 16th of October |
Saturday the 11th of October 2014 Below: A cat drama. A few days ago, the dogs indicated, that there was "animal" hidden in some bushes with a tree in the middle and so I dragged them past. Next morning, Saturday, there was a pathetic meowing from the same bushes, so I raced home and got Svend to drive me back. I found a half grown kitten up the tree, calling desparately for help! Yesterday, two friends came for lunch and here is Solo doing his "leap up like a mountain goat" act: |
Wednesday evening 1st of October 2014 Wednesday morning the 1st of October Monday the 29th of September Sunday the 21st of September Saturday the 20th of September Friends come for an afternoon visit yesterday and Solo insists on sitting so amusingly! He does this on the sofa too - as can be seen below on the 23rd of June. ![]() ![]() Above right: A mad position, cosying up to each other in the sun! ![]() A beautiful little rose that nearly died, changed it's mind and has now produced one single flower! Below: As usual I test the swelling point of a "new" dog food, Science Plan "mini" with chicken - one I use quite a lot. It's impossible to judge how much to feed, if one doesn't know how much it will swell up later on in the dog's stomach. This one becomes more than the double. Can cause a dog to throw up, if the stomach is full to bursting. ![]() Monday the 15th of September I've been weeding all afternoon in the kitchen garden. I had made 4 new rows of strawberry plants each a little higher up so they have new earth - and the parent plants are thrown away on the compost as I have planted out their offspring! You must do this every 3rd or 4th year. This was a couple of weeks ago and now the weeds are growing like crazy with all this rain. I noticed several plants were flowering! They think it's summer again, the weather is so mild and at last they have the rain they needed all summer. One baby plant has even grown a little strawberry - green so far - this plant should first flower next June, so they are very virile! ![]() ![]() Every day, after the dogs have had their dinner, they race outside for their dessert of plums. But I have plucked them all! Here is Solo STILL checking out the empty tree 3 days later! ![]() . ![]() He just can't believe they are not there any more! He ate so many every day - discarded stones litter the lawn. Sunday the 14th of September It's been raining non-stop all day, sometimes light rain, sometimes quite hard - so now we are up to 22 cms in the rain gauge as from last evening! ![]() The dogs are chilly and before I noticed that their blanket had fallen out on the floor, they had huddled together like this: ![]() - Just waiting for me to notice and cover them up! ![]() Close-up: A very pretty sedum seen also below - my favourite. Friday the 12th of September It’s been a bumper year for one plum tree tree, which was simply loaded with fruit. I have plucked over 7 kilos a day for 3 days, see photo. Threw just as many away. Left: Washed, cut open and the stone removed all ready for freezing, right: Just plucked! They taste fantastic. Friends believe the type to be a "prune" plum tree. ![]() I had to hurry and strip the tree as the dogs are eating them non-stop! Solo knows to leave the stone, but unfortunately Dasher eats the lot and either he is sick in the night, where his stomach has in a miraculous way, held back the stones but passed all food on down, or they pass through him – and are in danger of harming his intestines. I have heard of a dog who died from the damage caused by swallowing a stone. ![]() Above: The collection of shoes stolen while I worked up in the kitchen garden yesterday morning! He’s still up to his tricks! Saturday the 6th of September Sunday the 31st of August Saturday the 30th of August Friday the 29th of August We look after our youngest grandchild from 4pm to 11pm in his home in Copenhagen and had lots of fun. Solo, up to his usual tricks, while we were all greeting each other and unpacking all the things we had brought with us, he apparently stole a bag of food, (I had wrapped their dinners separately) and hidden it on the settee full of cushions. Shortly after, I had put both dogs in the canvas travel cage we take with us. Well an hour later, when I went to give them their dinner, there was only ONE little bag of dog food. We looked high and low in the car boot and everywhere but the other bag was nowhere to be found. So Svend had to take the car, (in the pouring rain), to the nearest shops and buy a small tin of dog food, which I never normally give them and they shared this plus their own food. Later on in the evening, when they were out of their cage yet again, Solo came running up to me carrying the bag of food in his mouth! Goodness how we laughed! He had made us go to to all the trouble of buying a tin of dog food, while all the time, the other bag was merely on the sofa! ![]() Later, putting my Grandson to bed, this is him hiding when I said now he must brush his teeth! At 2 years and 5 months he still thinks that if his head and body is out of sight, he cannot be seen - not realising that I can see his feet!!! He just needs to be a little older, then he will know. Of course I pretended I couldn't find him! Below the dogs are in safety harnesses fixed to the back seat, but thinking we are nearly there, they are both peering forwards between Svend and me in the front, trying to guess where we are going! ![]() Friday the 22nd of August ![]() Can't find your shoe? Sorry no, we haven't seen it! ![]() Last evening's raspberry pickings - mmmmn! |
Seen on the web some years ago, I noted it and just found the note again: TOP TEN REASONS NOT TO GET AN ITALIAN GREYHOUND... |
Monday the 11th of August 2014 |
Sunday the 3rd of August 2014 The 29th of July Lure coursing in beautiful Jørlunde again (another area though) and yet another hot and sunny evening! (We are praying for rain after about a month with just one short shower!) See just 5 minutes here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJEoOJEELUs ![]() At last I have bought the right kit for coursing, from Sweden. A friend was ordering new for herself and ordered for me as well. Lure coursing here is under the FCI rules, so the dogs run in either red, white or blue. Red always starts on the left. I have bought red and white. Will have at alter Dasher's as he is very large in the chest! Here he is all ready to run. ![]() ![]() The special muzzle is designed with good depth so that the dogs can open the mouth in order to gasp in air as they run at top speed. No ordinary dog muzzle can be used here, it would be cruel. Solo ran the whole way with his muzzle hanging underneath his chin! See little photo taken from my video. ![]() Greeting "the girls" Momma Vincenza and daughter Athena! ![]() Dasher sniffs a Whippet baby of 12 weeks! ![]() Below: Svend at the cakes!!! ![]() Video link from the perfect evening is above!
The 29th of July 20th The 27th of July The 25th of July We've had our oldest grandson staying here for a few days - giving Solo even more possibilities of stealing something!!! ![]() ![]() Helping walk the dogs! The 21st of July Yesterday we drove Fanny back to her family and had a wonderful afternoon in their garden...the weather is so perfect right now. Below the fabulous ice-cream and meringue cake they made for us with home grown strawberries...yummy! ![]() They have hens and a cockerel, which are so beautiful right now with every feather in place! Dasher lost all interest when he saw they were safely caged in, but Solo couldn't understand, he wanted to get at them and he was disappointed when he couldn't scare them! But then he was quite scared of them himself. ![]() He is stiff-legged and ready to run. ![]() It's very strange back at home now without Fanny and the dogs clearly miss her too and are very lifeless today. The 19th of July A beautiful hot sunny summer day and the whole family come to lunch to celebrate Adrian's birthday. He would have taken us out somewhere exciting in Copenhagen, but on hearing that Fanny can no longer be left alone at home, he arranged for food to be delivered here. FABULOUSLY delicious and we ate to bursting point! ![]() Fanny leads the troop to greet Louis on arrival! She lives with 3 small boys! ![]() ![]() ![]() Louis takes his first ever "selfie" with Adrian's "Gopro" camera, which is very wide angle. I am most admiring! ![]() Not sure how to sit on a lap? ![]() The hedgehog comes in the evening, providing extra entertainment! ![]() ![]() Left: Finally, all three together! Right: No prize for guessing who dropped my shoe in with Fanny and tried to make her take the blame! She's been an angel dog. ![]() Still he takes my shoes...see the other one in the background!!! The 18th of July It's been a VERY hot day and late afternoon Solo goes crazy zooming around and around the garden at top speed to get Fanny to run after him! She studies his antics and then pretends she cannot see him. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Around and around and around he goes... ![]() Finally, he's utterly exhausted! ![]() We were not amused! |
The 17th of July The 12th of July Fanny is doing just fine and is in training with the others who run 10-14 times around the house 3 times a day to get her muscles back! She started by doing only 3-4 times at her own tempo - one must be VERY careful at her age - and the "boys" could run twice around in the time it took her to do once! Now she does 6 times and faster with enthusiasm so I can no longer fit 2 times round with the boys, she is now only a tad slower - and never out of breath! Funny photos from inside - as it rained a lot today, 35 mm to be precise - just what we needed after a long drought. ![]() Above, Solo has wrapped himself up. ![]() As I wrote the 11th of July, Italians have a compulsion to sit on top of other dogs. This time Fanny has turned the tables and is lying on top of little Solo! Below: She's leaning on Dasher. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My dogs never forgive me if they can't have their daily piece of Chinese cabbage after dinner! It's the juicy white stem they want, not the green - which we (and my canaries) eat. Fanny eats hers in the mud room so the other two can't grab it from her. |
The 12th of July 2014 The 11th of July New video of Solo going berserk as there's a hedgehog in the hedge! www.youtube.com/watch?v=edRCKboBOek Fanny and Dasher share a bed beside me this morning and Solo wants to get in as well, but dare not, so he gives up - he doesn't know that Fanny is actually used to having an Italian lying on top of her! ![]() ![]() Below: A photo from two years ago taken by Fanny's owners who often look after Italian greyhound Augusta: ![]() - THIS is how Italians like to sleep! ![]() ![]() ![]() Above: Fanny goes all frisky and tries to play with Solo! There's life in the old girl yet!!!! only she is very rickety and nearly falls over if chasing them for a second or two! Jumping up or down is hard when you are 13, not to speak of "tight cornering" as the Italians do with ease, of course. Fanny has a light-weight round leather collar on with our name and address, telephone no. etc as an extra security if she ever escaped from the garden, heaven forbid. Better be safe than sorry, I always say. ![]() View through the back door - Svend is hanging washing on the line to the left and they were hoping for something more exciting to happen! Fanny is VERY fond of Svend, he seems more important than me, I only feed and walk her - but he has "it" in her eyes!!! The 9th of July 2014 The 2nd of July The 26th of June |
The 24th of June The 23rd of June |
The 18th of June Below, Solo has been stealing things from my office and I can see it from the mouse pad! I have the only mouse pad decorated in muddy dog footprints! The 11th of June The 9th of June 2014 We had yet another day's wonderful lure coursing yesterday. Here are some photos. See the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRGJcQfmOMM ![]() As our ATV had broken down and is not yet mended and the last time we borrowed a small one, we all had to take turn to lay out the course on foot after our dog had run. However, many kind persons offered to help and this young man (photo below) took MANY turns, must have quite worn himself out. (Just heard the club has bought a new second hand one - with the money we all donated - super!) ![]() ![]() Many thanks to Jonas! Right: Having a rest in the car between runs! ![]() All having a good sniff! ![]() ![]() Left, Dasher is very fond of Greyhound Camino! Right Italian Athena meeting Deerhound Pearl, the biggest dog she's ever seen! ![]() ![]() Friend Per, who works very hard for us every time at LC, is very proud of the splendid rosette that his clever Basenji earned at shows a while back! Right: Inside the red tent! Below: All I got of Memphisto, a Greyhound/Borzoi mix! I had zoomed in and I couldn't follow with him when he took off at full speed! ![]() The 6th of June The 3rd of June The 1st of June ![]() ![]() I disturbed a hare on the doggy walk this morning! Of course both dogs went berserk! Right picture: It is hopping away in the far distance between the two football goals. |
The 1st of June The 30th of May |
The 28th of May The 21st of May The 16th of May The latest rapport from Momma Blackbird - the babies are growing so fast: ![]() Came home from a walk with the dogs this morning and Momma Blackbird sat for a long time on a fence post whilst Solo had a fit trying reach her - I had good time to get photos! (Her neck is partly hidden behind behind a small branch.) ![]() Below, my brother being thoroughly greeted when he comes for a visit here, all the way from Florida. ![]() ![]() |
The 11th of May The 10th of May 2014- and now the 7th blog! They hatched out yesterday but here they are, 5 naked Blackbird babies all the same age, thanks to clever parents. ![]() ![]() Below: Solo last night! How they sleep is always good for a laugh. ![]() ![]() Here, 2 days ago, Solo is trying to climb the mower to get up, he's very frustrated. The 5th of May On a dog walk this morning and even though grey skies, the distant rape fields shine golden yellow! ![]() Sitting watching Downton Abbey last night, whilst Solo is sitting curiously watching Svend! ![]() |
The 5th of May 2014 The 30th of April I was on my knees weeding when I saw Solo start to leap up at the Blackbird nest with toilet paper. ![]() ![]() He worked away off and on all afternoon trying to reach and petulantly tearing small branches down. I've tried to stop him by putting a wheel-barrow there now. He's going to be lovely and tired this evening so we can get peace to relax in front of the tv. The 29th of April I am getting a little tired of Solo stealing my shoes all the time. I need them by the backdoor so I can pop them on if I step outside, then switch back to clean indoor ones when I come in again. Left is the bed they sun themselves in yesterday: ![]() ![]() - so I have decided to lock them with a cycle lock to the shelf where I keep them! Much to his disgust! ![]() Not to brag too much, but some of our strawberries are flowering already!!! |
The 27th of April The 25th of April |
The 22nd of April The 21st of April |
The 18th of April The 13th of April I was wondering if they really were Linnets, as I had not yet seen the male's characteristic pink flush on his chest - until this morning. Bad quality photo as the glass door is dirty from a night's rain, and the distance was great, but here he is: ![]() There was also a bit of drama this morning as a female Blackbird, with beak loaded with nesting material, flew into the box hedge just under the Linnet nest! Out shoots the Linnet in shock, the female Blackbird must have spotted the nest and out she comes too and they sit an eye each other. Shame I was too slow to get the camera out! Would be activity if we got TWO nests in the same hedge! The 11th of April The 30th of March Returning after a dog walk, I close the gate, take off Dasher's harness then, still bent over, I start to take off Solo's when I hear a loud splashing sound from the bird-bath and see it's Momma Blackbird having a good wash quite un-nerved by us! I even get time to get my camera out when suddenly Dasher realises he is free, and shoots off like a streak of lightening. I just get this one shot! She flies instantly of course. (Momma is the tiny blob in the bird-bath, top left of picture - you may need new reading glasses to see her!) The distance looks great with the camera lens but is less than 3 metres in fact! ![]() The 27th of March Solo has definitely lost interest now that he can't get the whole toilet roll any more, but yesterday I heard mystical sounds and just shouted "NO!" in time, and so the saga goes on... ![]() The 24th of March Aaargh! Solo has ignored the bathroom for a couple of days and I was SO pleased with our dog-proof toilet roll holder solution, but today he suddenly shot past me with a lot of “white” in his mouth and I had to “pay” him out in the garden to give it to me: He had taken a giant mouthful and run – see Dasher inspecting the torn edges! So now, we can leave the door ajar, but must now remember that maximum two millimetres of paper must be showing!!! Sigh! ![]() ![]() Everything had frosty tips this morning! Just to remind us it is still only March even tho' summer feels near. The 22nd of March 2014 I have at last solved the problem of Solo constantly stealing the toilet roll and turning it to confetti in the garden! He is practically ruining one a week and there are bits everywhere dating months back – and it never rots up! This is a monster holder, but an elegant design with just the tip of a sheet of paper showing - and he is not interested any more. The joy was in scooting outside with the “prey” and racing madly around before "killing" it! Here is it, being thoroughly inspected by our two little devils – well actually, only one is a little devil! ![]() Below: Enjoying a rare shaft of sun: ![]() A "bouquet" of violets - we have SO many this year. I love them, so I let them grow just anywhere. ![]() And a minature daffodil called Tête-à-Tête is flowering very early - AND the pansy seedlings survived the bad weather and frost and are MANY this year! I have even sown some indoors too: ![]() ![]() The 19th of March All the dog's toys are kept piled on these two lower shelves, ready for when they fancy playing with something. Suddenly, yesterday morning, Solo got the idea that he wanted one particular blue plastic ball that has been wedged underneath on the floor for about two days. He started to remove ALL the toys, tossing them on one side in a very funny way, thinking this would help him get to it. I switched on the camera a bit late, but here is the video and end of the story: ![]() ![]() www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5djHI8wCPU The 18th of March 2014 The 17th of March 2014 The 11th of March 2014 The 11th of March 2014 Some days of glorious sunshine and "warm" temps. (up to 15 C) have woken everything up, (including we humans!) - just pray we don't get snow now! Here are some of my crocusses - and today a giant, fluffy bumble bee visited! Absolutely covered in pollen... ![]() Below, she's caught in mid-flight! ![]() The keen-eyed person will spot a handful of ladybirds all having a warm-up at the base of the apple tree! ![]() |
Friday the 7th of March In the afternoon, beautiful Cam (Camino) the Greyhound, (saved from cruelty in Spain), came for afternoon coffee. That is, his owner got the coffee and a delicious gluten-free cake from Irma or Kvickly, (you haven't lived if you haven't tasted this one with Daim), mmmmmnn, heavenly!!! ![]() - whilst Cam stole one of my dog's bones! I knew Dasher and especially Solo would make a scene at the sudden apearance of a GIANT "Italian" and maybe try to prevent him coming in "their" house, so I shut them behind the dog gate so they could see him and see the fact that he WAS ALREADY inside! They know him from Lure coursing, but seeing him here, was of course different circumstances. ![]() ![]() Cam keeps his cool at all times! He is also well used to playing with a friend's black Italian female, who adores him, so he is very "pro-Italian"! After they saw who we had as a visitor, I let Dasher and Solo come out. Dasher wanted to play, but Solo tried to tell Cam to go back home, which he ignored! Solo soon realised how misplaced his agressive show was and settled down - even tried to play a wild game after a while! I stopped it as they get up to a terrific speed and accidents can and do happen! ![]() ![]() Dasher gets a good sniff! ![]() In the above pictures, Solo is still reserved and scared, but later completely gets over it. ![]() Here is Cam chewing on one of their bones, which they absolutely didn't want, has been lying around for weeks - that is, until they saw him "softening up" one end, making it VERY juicy and desirable, so now they both are waiting for a chance to get it! Monday the 3rd of March Caught in the act! Unfortunately Solo's long legs can get him up on any table top and he steals too, even though the chairs are pushed in and never any food left up there! Here, I catch him in the act and he knows he's done wrong although I am silent and he jumps down at risk of breaking both front legs as MANY an Italian has done before him, but he has done this a million times before and proved he's strongly built! We just don't know how to stop him. ![]() ![]() My son stopped his cat jumping on a high shelf by lining it with wide double-sided sticky tape, so the cat's paws stuck briefly and this was such a dreadful sensation, (!!!) it never jumped up there again! But we cannot line this table (and others) with sticky tape! A friend said he'd given a very loud shout when his cat had jumped up and it was so scared it also never jumped up again - BUT this shouting is the way many owners have broken their dog's legs, as a dog leaps down in a PANIC and can have a terrible accident. The full weight of the entire body is on the 2 x 2 pencil-thin foreleg bones. So scaring is out of the question. Our floor is of stone tiles as well! Not the softest surface. I am still working out what to do, although number 1 is not to have anything of any interest up there, but of course he's constantly on patrol to check it out as soon as we turn our backs! Saturday the 1st of March One never ceases to be amazed: A pretty lamp I bought 10 years ago in Florida, which I take inside every winter, I have just hung outside again. ![]() ![]() Inside the lamp was an elderly tea-light I had forgotten last year. I thought I would surprise guests by lighting it on the long warm summer evenings last summer where we often sat outside, but had completely forgotten all about it. NOW I see it has been half eaten. Dust and dirt cover the rest. ![]() I wouldn’t know who had eaten it except that I have twice seen a Blue Tit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Blue_Tit fly to it a couple of times. Tea-lights cannot be good food and especially one coloured mauve and scented!!! Very strange. So I have put a bit of hard cheese inside now, much better for any desperately hungry Blue Tit! On a doggy walk this morning and the crows are particularly teasing Solo, who fancies himself as a professional killer after he caught two baby Blackbirds last summer. Dasher knows better: They can fly! I managed to take a 1 minute video of Solo charging the bird and screaming hysterically, yet it just casually carried on looking for food in the grass like we didn't exist! www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNwp6WaqZUk Crows KNOW that when a dog's on the lead, it is helpless to catch them. ![]() After a rest - he's too hot! Wednesday the 26th of February: Friday the 21st of February Saturday 15th of February 2014 The dogs have a wrestling match EVERY day! Solo has grown, so he's as tall as Dasher. His legs are longer but body much smaller. ![]() Meanwhile outside, the spring flowers are opening - and my eyes are itching, so there's already pollen in the air! ![]() ![]() Thursday 13th of February The sun's out the weather is mild (7C) and Solo, full of the joys of spring, grabs a VERY worn out football and races at TOP speed around the garden with it! ![]() ![]() ![]() - then he drops it, goes completely crazy and whizzes around and around nearly breaking the sound barrier! So good that we have a fair sized garden - heaven help the poor souls living in apartments or with tiny gardens... young dogs do need to "let rip" occasionally and sighthounds can get up to incredible speeds so they need plenty of space... ![]() Wednesday 12th of February Saturday 8th of February 2014 Here's the morning sun through the "mud room" door, which has frosted glass like rain is pouring down it, very attractive. Streaks of snow not yet melted show in the driveway. ![]() ![]() Dasher is chewing a bone (the hoof of a cow!) that Solo wants SO BADLY! He gets it in the end. ![]() ![]() Snow drops on the way, despite cold and snow - which has nearly all melted now, thanks to plenty of rain. ![]() The latest photo of my tough little pansy, still hanging in there despite frost, snow (a clump seen to the right!) and cold. Compare with the photos below! Wednesday 5th of February 2014 ![]() My friend on the island of Fyn, who lives very high up with a fantastic view from her garden over the sea and a pretty bay, (that's distant summer house roof-tops one can see in the dark), took this fantastic photo this evening, as the sun set. I too had noticed it was extra beautiful tonight, but alas, at the moment, the sun sets behind our neighbours! Monday 3rd of February THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MORNING! Well worth waiting 6 weeks of depressing gloom, rain, howling gales and snow for! Light mist, thick frost, no wind and the sun just breaking through... ![]() ![]() The dog's fleece tracksuit coats are a "must have" warming their thin legs in this cold... order yours from Togs for Dogs ![]() Funny sleeping position! Nothing to be seen except one front paw at arrow 1. and one back paw at 2. ![]() At last a decent photo of Momma Blackbird, having chased Daddy Blackbird away from HIS apple, (she has her own in the cycle basket!), she eats his left-overs. Taken through the window, I am amazed it isn't too bad of her... Sunday 2nd of February 2014 Friday 31st of Jan. 2014 Thursday 23rd of Jan. Saturday 18th of Jan. 2014 Yesterday, quite a bit of snow came in the night with some storm winds that blew horizontally in from over the fields - but rain all day soon cleared the most of it away. Here, I am out on a dog walk at 9am and this is how it looks: ![]() Below: I found a sign post that was decorated in a rather special way, look at the bottom of it: ![]() EVERYTHING, including all the trees, were snowed up on a strip on the windy side - the other side being bare. On this sign post, it had started to slip down in an interesting loop! I couldn't photo more as it started to rain. Lunch time today, I was exercising the dogs who ran round the house 14 times, whilst Momma Blackbird sat calmly in the cycle basket that I am using as a wild bird food container. I was a mere three feet away and opening and closing the gate just alongside, while the dogs ran around beneath her. She didn't budge, she was enjoying some of Svend's Ryvita and the apples, so I took my camera out (she is used to this and the flash) and I could photo all I wanted, so here she is: ![]() - completely unperturbed! And photo below shows the dogs underneath her waiting patiently for their tit-bit before running off around the house once more!!! ![]() You can just see her in the basket - she's even turned her back on us and looking over her shoulder! I am amazed by her casualness - all extra garden entertainment! Tuesday 14th of Jan. 2014 Woke up to milder weather, not a scrap of snow and thick mists everywhere. Everything is soaking wet and dripping! (The grass is still covered in small bits of toilet paper.) ![]() ![]() Above right is the same view as the day before. Fun the way every day is different. Monday 13th of January ![]() Freezing cold wind and minus temps. this morning, so time to dig out the long-legged "track suits" that protect their boney legs from frostbite! Get yours from: www.togsfordogs.net ....Then in the afternoon, a layer of snow... ![]() "Come out here", says Dasher, "someone's just thrown some dog biscuits to make me walk in this ruddy snow!" ![]() "What? You must be joking! I'll just sit here and watch you get cold feet!" Says Solo shuddering. Sunday 12th of Jan. ![]() It's all my fault and I have no one to blame, which makes it all the more irritating, but I forgot to close the toilet door properly and Solo got hold of a BRAND NEW toilet roll and made SUCH a mess in the garden, whilst I was busy making some bread! Ugh! I had the back door ajar, as he loves to go in and out especially if he sees a bird! It's been colder but mainly sunny. ![]() He must have had a whale of a time - the yellow bits are a bath sponge he stole for good measure! Dogs! Who'd have 'em!!! Below is the absolute last rose of summer, photo taken the 12th of January! ![]() ![]() To the right: Aconites coming along at the foot of the roses, one of the first spring flowers here. Solo is too hot - the kitchen floor has underfloor heating too! ![]() The 9th of January I’ve always looked down on Facebook and Facebook users and the couple of sentences long, utterly boring trash, that people find to write for “the world” to see, (under the impression that others will be highly entertained and give them stacks of thumbs up to approve their empty waffle), but now the record has been broken for complete idiocy! I have just today heard, that a certain FB group has a “leading, much-loved member”, who is very seriously ill. That some bright spark, who is also in the group, thought up the kind idea of asking everyone to chip in a small amount paid into a certain account, to buy flowers and choccies to cheer up this “leading, much-loved member” and show their love and appreciation. A great idea and were it a SURPRISE - it would perhaps have warmed the cockles of the heart of this needy “leading, much-loved member” – BUT the fool wrote and asked everyone from INSIDE THE FB GROUP – so this “leading, much-loved member” of course, ALSO could read about the idea and request for money and so promptly wrote back, that it would give her more cheer if everyone paid into the group’s own account - which is to help needy dogs - instead of a gift for her, dedicated person that she is. Therefore 1) This “leading, much-loved member” gets NO wonderful surprise present at all, which may well have cheered her up and certainly would have shown the other's appreciation and 2), the kind idea now falls flat on its face (book!) Whatever happened to good, old fashioned emails? In an email, one can CHOOSE to send to one person or a hundred in complete privacy with only the receivers reading the content. If one hasn’t got everyone in the group’s emails – well then, they are easily obtained by asking around! I call this the height of dumbness! Don’t FB users know of any other way of communicating? I was deeply shocked. Such a shame... ![]() Snowdrops in our garden, showing spring is on the way! |
The 8th of January 2014 The 7th of January The 4th of January 2014 The sun actually shone feebly through the hazy sky this morning – such a joy after about 6 weeks of almost non-stop dull, grey, misty weather with rain here and there...very depressing, but the days are slowly getting longer again... ![]() ![]() ...and it has been so mild, that a tiny pansy has survived right to now in January! Here it is bravely flowering on: ![]() Solo asleep with his head bent back so far I am amazed it can be comfortable! ![]() The 1st of January 2014 - and now the 7th blog! |