The following photos are all from Gorran Haven:
Finally, after 2 nights at a hotel on Colchester and a very long drive down to Cornwall, we arrive at our destination: A little self-contained "apartment" we had rented in the village of Gorran Haven, near St. Austell.
Our car in the VERY steep driveway. (It doesn't look steep in the photos, but believe me, it WAS!) Our apartment is the annex to the right. The larger apartment to the left was rented to a very nice family of 4 from Rugby!
Seagulls in "our" front garden and some palm trees further down the road. Palms thrive in Devon and Cornwall.
Left: Looking back up our road. Right: View early one morning taken from our kitchen window of a rider and pony!
Left: View from our little balcony. Right our "sea view" from same!!!!!
Left: Early one morning a sea mist, meaning a lovely sunny day. Right: View over neighbour's back garden full of apple trees. We had good, dry and warm weather despite threatening clouds passing over at times!
Photos from the beach at Gorran Haven. Perfect for children. Unfortunately, the tide was quite far out, England has a fantastically big difference between high and low tide - some places, the sea goes right out of sight! Not the mere yard or two that Denmark has!!!
All the rocks are covered in mussels, limpets and other shell fish, who are all waiting patiently for the next tide to come in, so they can function and feed again! See the seaweed below, also waiting for the next tide. Note houses perched high up on top with the most wonderful sea views!
Left, looking southwards down the beach and right, looking eastwards.
Right and below: View over the bay from a house on the way down - and below.
The above 4 pictures are taken on the way down to the beach/Gorran village and harbour. I am fascinated by all the stone and not least, all the many stone walls that wild flowers love to find a crack and thrive in!
A fresh water stream carrying (rain) water to the beach, goes under our road beside our house, but here it is seen from both sides, the left hand photo is taken of the trickling stream just alongside our patio, which is built jutting out and very high up and on right: Just before it goes under our road.
Left, part of the VERY steep way down to the beach and right a decorative foot path across near the bottom.
Old steps covered artistically in weeds and a signpost! There were MANY wonderful (and hair-raising!) footpath walks around there!
Left: The start of the way down from our road, (note the distant view) taken on our last evening stroll to say goodbye to the place. Right: Looking back up our road, same evening.
Still on the last evening walking down to Gorran Haven. Note: This is a two-way road for cars as well!!!
View from someone's garden, and Svend getting his breath during the steep climb back up!
More of the narrow streets. I am just so fascinated by these narrow roads, or course, they were originally made to accomodate the odd horse and carriage and not designed for today's traffic at all!!
Left: Svend has got hold of some English sausages for dinner - he just loves English sausages! See the happy look on his face - he just can't wait to put them in the frying pan!!!
Right: Our horrid little shower arrangement! This would be totally forbidden in Denmark, where we mustn't have electricity switches in bathrooms. You set the temp. on the big dial (water strength on the smaller) and then press the on/off button at the bottom with your first finger - often wet, soapy or shampoo'y- to start. (How we avoided getting a deadly electric shock, I do not understand!) Then the usual amount of cold water comes out first, BUT not as we are used to, followed by the requested temperature... oh no, out comes boiling hot water while it adjusts DOWN to what you want! In fact you have to wait for the boiling hot to be finished with before it finally adjusts to the warm water that you have chosen and all the while you are either freezing or screaming in agony, as you have just burnt yourself! The first time I used it, when the boiling suddenly came out, I actually burned my skin. I immediately turned the dial back for cooler water but this meant the darn thing then re-adjusted to nearly cold! Then, having frozen under this new cold shock, I quickly turned it up again - and again it was TOO hot! It was a nightmare shower that night when we were SO tired after our journey. NEXT day, I got the hang of it (after discussing it in depth with Svend!) and I learnt to wait patiently whilst it ran first cold then boiling hot and THEN FINALLY the right temp! If you switched off to save water at any time, you had to go through the whole procedure again! I was so glad to get home to our thermostat mixer taps!
Not many photos from inside as it quickly looked a mess with all our things and the room being small. Here are the wooden venetians over our large picture window to the patio - very nice. A Svend eating a very healthy cold chicken salad with Tesco's potato salad and coleslaw, lettice and peppers - yummy! That is red wine in that tumbler....!!!!!!!
Sadly, the holiday's over all too soon and we must drive back to our hotel in Stratford, London, before going on to Harwich.
Above, our hotel in Stratford. We had a last beer at a particular pub Svend knows that has a lively atmosphere! Below, we finally arrive in Harwich - with masses of time to spare before boarding the boat back home.
Left: As we had time to kill, we went in Moorrison's a HUGE supermarket in Harwich. Here, Svend has a last "Roast beef with Yorkshire pud" (pudding) for lunch, (the round "pop-over" on his plate - my mother made them so deliciously and he's never forgotten) - his last chance for genuine English food. Right, we later share a beer on the sea front at Esbjerg - it's warm but a wind got up the clouds are gathering threateningly. I had wanted a last walk on the beach like we have done several times before, but the tide was right up and "boiling" up the beach.
You need extra time for every eventuality - here a local train crosses the road at Harwich and we have to wait 5-10 minutes!
Driving on board for the sailing home after a wonderful holiday and the weather chose to rain hard just those very minutes, what a last goodbye from good old England - and right last view of Harwich from our cabin window, boo hoo...